Camaelon 2 ?
I committed a few things on the cvs today and yesterday... here's a screenshot of the current results with the theme Nesedah:
Just grab Camaelon from etoile's cvs, get Nesedah.theme 0.3 and follow the readme :-)
What's missing before an official Camaelon 2.0 release ? well... there's always something missing... for example I'd like to refactorise GSDrawFunctions to use instance methods instead of class methods, so you could change themes on the fly very easily. But I think that can wait for a 2.1 :-)
Appart from that, well, there's a couple of problems apparently with NSMatrix, some wrong text color with cells in general (actually this one is a gnustep bug), and you shouldn't use gnustep to manage the windows with camaelon enabled for now. The menu aren't themed properly (the menu items are, but the menu itself isn't really themed), etc. Nothing very complex overall, so hopefully I'll fix that in the next few days before leaving to France.
1 comment:
Well... in the Camaelon directory, there's a README file :-)
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