Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Looks like it didn't take long for Yen-ju to play with the Cairo backend and partial transparency :)

Etoile Dock...

Shiny. (yes, too much like OS X)


Anonymous said...

would it be too hard to integrate the AWN in etoile´s dock? http://njpatel.blogspot.com/2007/10/01-01.html ... seems pretty feature complete, with applets support and compositing back-end, also using cairo.. would it help to share some work from both projects?

Anonymous said...

btw, there´s a desktop-agnostic branch for AWN, so the Gnome dependencies are not needed: http://www.planetblur.org/hosted/awnforum/index.php?shard=forum&action=g_reply&ID=947&page=1&isLive=true

Anonymous said...

I like the Tiger-era OS X dock. What's wrong with it?