UDP ...
Well, I'm not working much on anything related to GNUstep/étoilé lately -- I have my thesis to write for december, which also means I need to finish properly my visualisation system soon...
I changed completely the communication stack -- exit XMLRPC/TCP, welcome lossy UDP communication -- good things, it enables broadcast and low latency, bad things... well, using broadcast as an asset, you need to change quite a lot the way you think your program. But it's worth it: not only the end result (the visualization) can be broadcasted, which is nice, but moreover, the rendering process itself can take advantage of broadcasting to be more efficient. Anyway. Here is a screenshot showing a broadcasted MIP visualization of the CThead dataset:
The rendering itself is done on a cluster connected to these 3 machines through a simple udp tunnel. Works quite well..
Is the powerbook under linux on this photo ? Which distribution?
It's a macbook and it's running FreeBSD.. under Parallels. Very convenient I must say !! :-)
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